November 20, 2021
Yara Bakker

Decluttering: 5 effective tips for an organized home

Has your home become a source of stress rather than a place to relax?

We know how it feels and are happy to help. In this quick, no-nonsense guide you will find the best tips for decluttering your living space. Let’s get started!

It seems that over the past years, our lives have become busier and busier. As a result, our homes turned into a painstakingly accurate reflection of our mental states. Our cabinets are stuffed to the brim with items that we do not need, due to which it is an ongoing challenge to find the things you are actually looking for. Out of pure desperation, you find yourself buying the same product once again, only adding to the chaos.

If you are dreading going through all your stuff and still have not started the long-overdue big clean yet after binge-watching all episodes of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, we got your back. Please continue reading for the best approach to decluttering your home. We will discuss the following topics:

1.  Tackle one room at a time
2. Divide your to-do list into subtasks
3. Categorize the items you want to get rid of
4. Invest in convenient storage bins
5. Keeping your living space neat

Why should I declutter?

Although the fact that you are reading this article indicates that you intend to clean your home in the near future, you might need some additional motivation to take the first step. We would like to discuss the three main benefits of an organized home with you.

1 Less stress

This first reason is actually the most important one: it has been found that the state of your surroundings has a profound effect on your mental health. While chaos causes stress, researcher report that a tidy home decreases our cortisol levels and helps us regain a sense of control.

2 Less cleaning

If you are anything like us, the weekly deep clean is not something you are looking forward to. Therefore, a second benefit of decluttering is that there are simply less objects left that have to be cleaned. This means that there will be more time left to simply relax.

3 Financial benefits

Let’s be clear: possessions cost time and money (which is basically the same thing). They need to be updated, maintained, and repaired. You should only hold onto an item when it is worth the hassle. Getting rid of all your other things might save you some money on a monthly basis.

Our tips for decluttering your home

1 Tackle one room at a time

By now we are all well aware that efficient multitasking is a myth. However, a too enthusiastic start may hamper your ability to go about decluttering your home efficiently. Wanting to do too many things at the same time, you may find yourself trying to clean out your kitchen cabinets and wardrobe at the same time. This is not a good idea. Focus your attention on one room at a time to avoid getting overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work. This way, you can also easily keep track of where you where if you cannot finish everything in one day.

2 Divide your to-do list into subtasks

We cannot emphasize the importance of a structured approach to decluttering your home enough. No matter how motivated you are, you should never blindly start cleaning without formulating a to do list first. For each room, list all the tasks that you would like to accomplish. Divide every large task into smaller subtasks – being able to check something off regularly motivates, while projects that feel ‘too large’ often lead to procrastination. Doing something is always better than nothing, no matter how little.TIP: To motivate yourself even more, you could work with rewards. For example, every time you finish a task on your to do list, you are allowed to watch an episode of your favorite show.

3 Categorize the items you want to get rid of

While decluttering your home, it pays to berigorous. Take everything you own out of yourclosets before deciding what to do with it. Whenin doubt, always ask yourself when you have usedan item last. Avoid ending up with a pile of stuffthat needs to be sorted a second time byworking with separate categories from the start.Use designated bags or boxes to indicate whatyou want to keep, what you want to get rid of andwhat needs to be taken to a different place. Youcan split up the second category into items thatcan go in the trash and those that can berecycled. Keep in mind that if you plan on usingour service, you should put books, toys, e-wasteand textile into separate bags.

4 Invest in convenient storage bins

No matter how little you possess, your room will never look tidy if you have no place to put your belongings. Invest in convenient storage bins to make use of all the space you have. We assure you that you will not regret this decision! Paper binders, baskets and drawer dividers: there exists an appropriate solution for every room. Do not forget to use and optimise wall- and other lost space (such as beneath your bed or staircase). If stored efficiently, your stuff will never be in the way again.

5 Keeping your living space neat

After you finish decluttering your home, it is important to think about how you will keep your living space neat. Make it as easy as possible so that you will not be tempted to fall back into your old habits. Do you always throw your dirty laundry in a corner of your bedroom? Put your laundry basket in the exact same spot! Are you often guilty of impulse buying? Avoid visiting the mall too often and make sure you write down a shopping list before you go. Start asking yourself every time you want to buy something “Do I really need it?”. You can even put a little note with this question into your wallet to remind yourself.

TIP: Many companies nowadays offer the option to opt out from receiving physical letters and brochures. In addition, you can put up a “No junk mail” sticker besides your mailbox. This will help reduce the paperwork.